Wednesday, February 15, 2017

water cycle

Source: USGS

We will talk about the process of water cycle (hydrologic cycle): Starting from the water evaporates from ocean, sea, lake, river, trees and other earth surface and lifts up into atmosphere in form of water vapor. Then water vapor condenses as a small drop ( see as cloud from earth). Next when it meet the sastifies condition, the condensed water vapor will fall down to the earth called precipitation (known as snow, or rainfall).

Precipitation comes back onto the earth surface and ocean. The precipitation on earth separates into many parts. Some is intercepted by the trees (1), infiltrate into the ground(2), and runoff into catchment(3).

(1): The interception: the tree obsorbs the water, and it will uptake into atmoshpere also known as evapotranspriration.
(2) The infiltration: When the water infiltrate some amount is stored underground (ground water) and some part will join the stream flow.
(3) Runoff: Water flow into the stream directly join with base flow and another part from ground water. After that water will evaporate into atmosphere again.

All the process endlessly takes place and it is call water cycle. Water cycle is the great nature phnomena which is keep the water balance on the planet. All the amount of water remain constant, yet it change the phase or condtion to gas, liquid, solid or also from fresh to salin water.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Flood Studies in Lower Mekong River Presentation available in Slideshare

I decide to share my slide presentation of my thesis research yet it does not mean I am proud of myself, I know it clearly, or my work is perfect, I just want to share it in case one who need it. During the research, I figure out the difficulty of finding any reference of my topic, it is the reason I post it. Research on the topic of flood mapping via HEC-RAS Model is not so easy to find the reference. There are only a few research paper publishing with the limitation.

The purpose of this sharing, I aim to get feedback or recommendation because it is the only way that I can improve my knowledge for my future career. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

What is return period?

The probability that events such as floods, wind storms or tornadoes will occur is often expressed as a return period. You may hear about that if you are one who learn about environment, hydrology, water resource, climate change and other related. 
Return Period, the inverse of probability (generally expressed in %), it gives the estimated time interval between events of a similar size or intensity.For example, the return period of a flood might be 100 years; otherwise expressed as its probability of ocurring being 1/100, or 1% in any one year. This does not mean that if a flood with such a return period occurs, then the next will occur in about one hundred years' time - instead, it means that, in any given year, there is a 1% chance that it will happen, regardless of when the last similar event was. Or, put differently, it is 10 times less likely to occur than a flood with a return period of 10 years (or a probability of 10%). 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Solar Roof, an environment friendly innovation, is the future of Eco-House in our planet

Tesla, a well-known for electrical cars base on the United Stated, announced its latest product. It was a roof tiles built-in solar cell.  Widespread adoption would yield clear environmental benefits, of course. Solar power could be a way to lower carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a presentation.

It is a great innovation of energy supplies; however, The Tesla's solar roof is not a new thing we have ever heard. According to Ronnen Levinson, a mechanical engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab who studies ways to keep roofs cool, points out that “Tesla isn’t offering a new idea.”

In the past few years, solar power has had mixed results in the United States. Years ago, the Obama Administration supported the solar power company Solyndra, which went bankrupt in August 2011. Dow Chemical recently tried a solar shingles project that it shut down in July.

New idea or not, it is not a problem. Solar roof would be replaced in normal roof tile in the future. Likewise, it will be bring our world more sustainable energy with the environment friendly system.

Source: Spectrum

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Recent Flood in Cambodia

The heavy rain occuring in Cambodia during late october 2016 brought some part of Cambodia flooded. Kompong Speu Province, and south part of Phnom Penh, the Capital of Camobia was inundated. Until today, the situation get better; however, road was still damaged.

According to Khmer Times, 569 families were affected and 646 hectares of rice field were damaged.

About Us

While our planet grows so fast from day to day, our environment get absolutely worse. Have you ever asked yourself this year the weather is hotter than last year. Have you ever watched the news brodcasting about flooding or draught in the part of your country? It is climate change, a consequence from our activities.

The Planet Journal is a blog in Cambodia, we will report all the environmental issue both nationally and internationally. We also gald to introduce and promote all projects that help our world greener.

Flooding in Kandal Province, 2011. Source:BBC

Institute of Technology of Cambodia
            Graduated from a major of water resources and rural infrastructures engineering, I am a Cambodian student of Institute of Technology of Cambodia. My passion is to learn all the new thing around me including environment,science, space, technology etc. Thus, it is not weird that I want to intergrate my knowledge with my passion. This blog " the planet journal" is a blog that I started from learning HTML ( I had never known it as soon as I am interested in creating a personal blog). As a result, I get what I want, so I begin to share all about my knowledge, what I have learned, what I have known and what I just know to the world. 

             I aim to further my knowledge through this way. I have learned new thing, I will share it.