Solar Roof, an environment friendly innovation, is the future of Eco-House in our planet
Tesla, a well-known for electrical cars base on the United Stated, announced its latest product. It was a roof tiles built-in solar cell. Widespread adoption would yield clear environmental benefits, of course. Solar power could be a way to lower carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a presentation.
It is a great innovation of energy supplies; however, The Tesla's solar roof is not a new thing we have ever heard. According to Ronnen Levinson, a mechanical engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab who studies ways to keep roofs cool, points out that “Tesla isn’t offering a new idea.”
In the past few years, solar power has had mixed results in the United States. Years ago, the Obama Administration supported the solar power company Solyndra, which went bankrupt in August 2011. Dow Chemical recently tried a solar shingles project that it shut down in July.
New idea or not, it is not a problem. Solar roof would be replaced in normal roof tile in the future. Likewise, it will be bring our world more sustainable energy with the environment friendly system.
Source: Spectrum
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